Construction Technology (ISSN 2098-0897; CN 10-1768/TU), is an open-access and peer-reviewed academic journal governed by China Construction Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. and co-sponsored by Yatai Construction Science & Technology Consulting Institute Co., Ltd., China State Construction Engineering Corporation, and China Civil Engineering Society. It is the only state-level academic journal in China’s construction industry. Since its foundation in 1958, Construction Technology has been highly rated by researchers and engineers in related fields due to its focus on high academic standard and practical application.

Research on Leakage Inspection Technology of Precast ConcreteResidential Building Exterior Wall

GAO Rundong, LI Xiangmin, WANG Lei, JI Yuanji, ZHOU Fei

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Few?sample Concrete Surface Crack Detection Method Based onUAV and Deep Learning

ZHANG Huile1, YANG Fa1, WU Dan1, ZHANG Chunjie2

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Research on Damage Detection of Steel StructureJoints Based on YOLOv5

HAN Ming

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Safety and Serviceability Status Assessment for Existing Building GlassCurtain Wall Based on Laser Vibrometry Technology

ZHAO Peng, LIANG Jinhu, SHI Hao

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Application of Structural Health Monitoring in the Construction ofLarge?span Spatial Steel Truss Structure


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Function Improvement and Reconstruction Technology ofLarge Space Urban Complex

ZHANG Tengfei, HONG Sihai, MEI Guodong, FANG Renneng, CHEN Chong

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Application of BIM+GIS Technology in HighwayMunicipal Transformation

JIANG Jiaxin1’2, PAN Jianjun1’2, CHEN Yuewen1’2, TANG Xiong1’2, ZHANG Dabao1’2,LI Fulin1’2, YOU Yalun1’2

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Reinforcement and Reconstruction Technology ofExisting Industrial Plant

ZHAO Laizhu

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Study on Modification Mechanism and EngineeringApplication of Waste Mud

ZHANG Huile1, DING Xiankun2, YANG Fa1, WU Dan1, WANG Shuhong2

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Applied Research on Assembled Rivets for Shear Connectionof Aluminum Alloy

YAN Yajie1’2, ZHONG Zhiqiang2, WU Shengwen3, GUO Yu2,WANG Shigui2, CAO Shaocheng2

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Construction Technology of Super?wide Steel StructureTied Arch Bridge Adjacent To Operating Line

CHEN Libin

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Freezing Design Optimization of Long?distance Contact Channel ofShield Tunnel

XIA Zhengmao

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Analysis of Influence of Curved Shield Tunnel Undercrossing Construction

HUANG Yi1, HE Jian1, ZHANG Jiashuo1, CHANG Jipeng1, LI Junhua2, HUANG Qiang2

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Study on Deformation Control of Existing Subway Line Causedby Tunnel Construction

NIU Ziqiang

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Study on Blasting Construction of Highway Tunnel AcrossRailway Tunnel at Close Distance

YANG Xingbao

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