Please read the guidelines in this page carefully before submission, and please note that, authors are required to fill in and submit the following documents when submission:

Copyright Transfer Agreement.docx
Author Statement Form.docx

Submission Guideline


1. Scope

        Construction Technology welcomes manuscripts on following research areas: ① Domestic polices and technical regulations related to construction industry; ② Significant research and project achievement in construction technology; ③ Novel systems, technologies, techniques, materials, machinery and equipment in construction field; ④ Construction management experience; ⑤ Advanced construction technologies and their development trend around the world; ⑥ Research findings of national or provincial scientific research projects.

           We especially focus on following research areas: design and construction integration, building industrialization, intelligent construction, building structure, construction informatization, engineering testing and reinforcement, urban renewal, building energy conservation, green building, green construction, prefabricated construction, projects on the Belt and Road Initiative, etc. 

2. Instructions on Submission

         1) To submit manuscripts, please visit the journal’s official website (, and then click on “Author Access” to register and complete submission. In principle, the journal does not accept paper manuscripts or manuscripts submitted by e-mail.

          2) Please provide accurate information of the first author and corresponding author when submission, including author names, affiliated institutions, positions, academic titles, address and post code, contact number and email.

          3) The journal only accepts original articles that have never been publicly published. Multiple submissions and redundant publication are strictly forbidden, but articles presented at academic conferences, published in internal journals, or abstracted in public publications in the form of preliminary report are exceptions, and authors of those exceptions need to clearly state the situation when submission.

            4) Charging Standard: After manuscript is accepted, we will charge authors for publication fee. For manuscripts to be published in regular issues, the publication fee is 4000 CNY for each article, and it would be 3000 CNY for articles to be published in supplementary issues. If authors require urgent publication, we will charge additional urgent publication fee at 6000 CNY, and the article will be published as soon as possible in suitable column.

            5) Manuscripts published in the journal will be included in literature databases, such as CNKI. If authors disagree with the inclusion, please make a statement at the time of submission, otherwise it will be deemed as agreement.

            6) After a manuscript is published, the Editorial Department will pay the authors remuneration according to relevant national regulations, and will send the authors two copies the issue as gift. The remuneration and copies will be sent to the authors in one month after the article’s publication.

           7) We will not return original manuscript back to author, regardless of whether it is published or not. It is recommended that authors keep a copy of their original manuscripts.

3. Requirements on Manuscripts

         1) Basic Requirements:The length of articles should be 6000~8000 characters. In addition, in order to better display picture information in articles, improve the quality of the journal, and improve the reading experience of readers, the journal will adopt color printing from January 2023. Therefore, we recommend that authors use high-definition color pictures in their manuscripts.

         2) Form of manuscripts:Manuscripts should include title, information of authors (including their names, affiliated institutions, cities, and postal codes), abstract, 5~8 keywords, main body, and references. The information of authors, abstract, keywords, chart titles, and Chinese references should be indicated in both Chinese and English.

        3) Abstract & Keywords:Abstract should be written in both Chinese and English. In addition, it is required to written the abstract in a structural format, that is, the abstracts of research articles should include following four parts: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion; and the abstracts of review articles are recommended to be written in the order of research background, introduction of methods or technologies, conclusions, etc.

        The length of Chinese abstract should be 400~600 characters. There is no specific length limit for English abstract, but accurate translation of Chinese abstract should be achieved. Abstracts should be written in the third person and use standardized terms. Non-public symbols and terms should not be used.

        Keywords shall be standardized terms, and non-public symbols and terms shall not be used.

         4) Other Requirements: Authors must indeed personally read the references. Generally, each article should have at least 10 references. For Chinese references, please translate them into English, and indicate them in both Chinese and English in the reference list.

        For detailed requirements on references, article format and typesetting, etc., please refer to the articles published in the journal recently.

4. Review Process

        After a manuscript is submitted to the journal, the Editorial Department will first conduct a preliminary review to it. Manuscripts involving academic misconduct, with severe scientific or technical defects, lack of valuable information, or not within the scope of the journal will be rejected in this review procedure.

        After the preliminary review, the manuscript will go through a single-blind peer review process. The Editorial Department will select 2 peer reviewers for the manuscript. If there are differences between the review comments of the reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to another peer reviewer for review. The final review comments (acceptance, rejection, or modification) will be sent to the corresponding author, and the author is required to give a point-by-point response to the comments and resubmit a revised version of the manuscript. This process will be repeated till both the reviewers and editor are satisfied with the manuscript.

        After passing the peer review, the manuscript will proceed to the final review by the Editor-in-Chief, who will make the final decision on acceptance. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final academic quality control of the journal articles, including the articles of supplementary issues. The above review process applies to all submissions to the journal, whether they are for regular issues and supplementary issues.

        Special Note: For manuscripts submitted by the Editorial Board Members or editors of the journal, they must follow the same review and editing procedures adopted by the journal. All Editorial Board Members and editors are not allowed to participate in the review, editing and acceptance decisions of the manuscripts written by themselves, their families or colleagues. Peer review will be conducted independently of relevant Editorial Board Members, editors, and their research teams.

5. Pre-Detection of Plagiarism

        According to China’s national requirements for journal quality management, we recommend authors to conduct plagiarism detection on manuscripts before submission, but please note that conducting plagiarism detection through irregular channels may lead to the leakage of manuscripts and research results. Authors can voluntarily use the detection system of Wanfang Data to perform plagiarism pre-detection. Link:

        The detection system is chargeable, and the detection results are only for the reference of authors.

OA Policy


1. Open Access Statement

          Construction Technology flipped to an open access journal under the CC BY-NC-ND license in 2022. All articles published in the journal since the first issue of 2022 are available as open access articles. Upon publication, these articles are immediately accessible on the journal website free of charge to all users, and users may copy and distribute these articles under the CC BY-NC-ND license..

2. Licensing Policy

        Construction Technology uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, allowing third-party users to copy and distribute the open access articles published in the journal in any medium or format, provided that the license terms below are followed:

        When copying or distributing the open access articles of the journal, third-party users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes to the articles were made. Users may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the journal endorses the use. Users may not use the articles for commercial purposes. If users re-mix, transform, or build upon the articles, they may not distribute the modified articles. Full license details are available at:

3. Copyright Policy

            After the manuscript is accepted by the journal, the authors need to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement to transfer the copyright of the manuscript to the Journal Office of Construction Technology, and the copyright will belong to the Journal Office. After the article is published, the author has the right to use the article under the following circumstances:

        (1) The author may reproduce, disseminate, and use the article under the license of CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, e.g., non-commercial academic discussions, exchanges, academic reports, lectures, etc.

            (2) The author may use the article in other activities as permitted and authorized by the Editorial Department of Construction Technology.

4. Archiving Policy

4.1 Archive of past issues

      All articles published since 2022 are open access articles, which are digitally archived on the official website of the journal. Readers can access them online for free through this website.

      Articles published before 2022 are not open access articles and have not been archived on the journal's official website. Free full-text access is not currently available on our website. The full-texts of these articles are stored in the platform of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wanfang Database, and readers can obtain the full-text articles through the above platforms.

4.2 Self-archiving policy

      It is allowed for authors to deposit all versions of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the authors' choice. However, it is necessary to indicate the articles' publication information in the metadata in the institutional or other repository and use that as a recommended way of citation.

Publishing Ethics


        Construction Technology follows internationally recognized publication ethical standards. According to the relevant guidelines published by the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and combined with the actual situation of the journal, we have formulated the ethical standards for the publication of the journal:

1. Duty of Authors

       1) Authors have the duty to ensure the originality of their manuscripts, and ensure that research results of other researchers used in the manuscripts are properly cited and marked, and the manuscripts do not involve plagiarism, data falsification, multiple submissions, redundant publication, confidential information, etc.

        2) Authorship Criteria: All signed authors must meet the journal's authorship criteria, that is, all authors must have materially participated in the research and/or article preparation. They should have made substantial contributions to the following: conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, etc.

      3) Author Contribution & Conflict of Interest Statement: All authors need to fill in and submit the journal's “Author Statement Form”, to confirm that all authors have made substantial contributions to the article and there is no nominal author, and to disclose all potential conflicts of interest involved in the research. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author’s institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author’s decisions, work, or manuscript. Authors should also disclose conflicts of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript.

        4) The author list shall not be modified at will. If authors intend to change the order of authorship, add or delete authors, a formal letter signed by all authors of initial submission and a copy of the first author's ID card should be provided to the Editorial Department. If an author's institution needs to be changed, an official letter with the seal of the original institution shall be provided to the Editorial Department.

2. Duty of Editors

        1) Editors should deal with each manuscript fairly and impartially, and accept or reject a manuscript according to the journal's scope, the novelty and academic quality of the manuscript.

       2) Editors should strictly follow the single-blind review process of the journal and keep the true review records. They have the duty to keep confidential the information of authors and reviewers, the authors' research results, and the intermediate materials in manuscript processing.

        3) Editors have the responsibility to avoid academic misconduct such as multiple submissions and redundant publication. Editors should conduct plagiarism checking on all manuscripts.

        4) Editors should provide authors with detailed revision opinions or reasons for rejection as much as possible, objectively state the review status of manuscripts, and do not make personal comments or attacks on review experts and authors.

        5) In the process of editing and publishing, editors should not only pay attention to publishing standards, but also respect author's point of view and writing style, and should obtain author's consent for key revisions of a manuscript, such as revision to academic views.

3. Duty of Reviewers

           1) Reviewers should make honest, objective, and fair review based on the principles of maintaining academic integrity and respecting academic freedom; they shall not prejudice or discriminate against author's country, institution, race, religion, political belief, gender, etc., and shall not disclose the research content of manuscripts that they review.

       2) When there are conflicts of interest between reviewer and author (e.g., kinship, teacher-student relationship, alumni relationship, colleague relationship, competition relationship), in order to ensure the fairness of the review, the reviewer should consult the Editorial Department in time to obtain further suggestions.

        3) When a reviewer finds the research is similar to his/her own, the review comments must not contain unsubstantiated or malicious criticism and unfair content. The reviewer should avoid making unfounded allegations.

        4) Reviewers should review manuscripts in a timely manner as agreed. If reviews cannot be returned on time, the reviewer should notify the Editorial Department in time and withdraw from reviewing the manuscript, and can recommend suitable reviewers. Without the permission of the Editorial Department, reviewers are not allowed to entrust their own students or colleagues to review the manuscripts on their own behalf.

      5) When reviewers encounter a manuscript, they have reviewed, they are obliged to report the situation to the Editorial Department and complete the review according to the journal’s standards.

4. Academic Misconduct

        Construction Technology only accepts original articles that have not been published. Academic misconduct such as plagiarism, data forgery, multiple submissions, and redundant publication are strictly prohibited!

        In order to prevent academic misconduct, the Editorial Department adopts the AMLC System provided by China national knowledge infrastructure (CNKI) to check the manuscripts during the preliminary review stage and before their publication.

        If the duplicate check rate of a manuscript exceeds the standard (20% for articles in regular issues,and 30% for articles in supplementary issues), the manuscript will be rejected. If the journal is adversely affected by author's academic misconduct, such as multiple contributions, the Editorial Department will notify the author's affiliated institution and make public statement in terms of relevant issue in the journal; at the same time, the author must bear the costs of manuscript review, editing and processing, papers and printing, and apologize publicly to the journal.

5. Appeal and Post-publication Discussion

        1) The journal allows authors to appeal. If authors have any disagreement to the review comments or review results, they could submit a written appeal to the Editorial Department by sending it to the journal’s email ( The author who submits the appeal needs to make detailed explanation for each review comment. After receiving the appeal, the Editorial Department will investigate and deal with it as soon as possible, and the result of the appeal will be fed back to the author.

        2) We welcome authors and readers to make discussion on the journal’s published articles. Comments can be sent to the journal’s email ( The Editorial Department will deal with it as soon as possible and give feedback as appropriate. We welcome readers and authors to actively provide their comments on the articles to the journal, which can help us to create a positive academic atmosphere.

6. Retraction and Correction

        1) For manuscript accepted by the journal, the authors shall not arbitrarily request to withdraw or modify the manuscript after it is finalized. All authors are deemed to agree to this statement when they submit to the journal.

        2) Correction: If it appears that there are honest scientific errors in published article, which would not lead to significant impacts on the results and conclusions of the article, the Editorial Department will publish corrections in the journal as soon as possible, detailing the changes made to the original article and indicating the source of the article. The Editorial Department will release the corrected new version of the article, and specify the changes to the original article and the date of the update. Only the latest version of the article should be used for citation.

        3) Retraction: If a published article is confirmed to involve plagiarized research results, falsified data, redundant publication, or other academic misconduct, the Editorial Department will retract the article, including publishing a retraction statement publicly, and requiring relevant databases to delete all online versions of the article so that the adverse effects of the misleading article could be minimized.

7. Digital Archive & Online Accessibility

        Articles published by the journal since 2022 have been digitally archived on the journal’s official website, through which readers can directly access the articles online. All information and material are backed-up in the Editorial Department for security reason, including the print-copy and digital-copy of all issues, and all other relevant material (e.g., authors’ additional information and forms submitted during submission).

        In addition to archiving on our official website, the full-text of the journal’s articles are also stored in the databases of CNKI and Wanfang Data. Readers can access the above-mentioned databases to obtain the articles published by the journal.

        It is allowed for authors to deposit all versions of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the authors’ choice. However, it is necessary to indicate the articles’ publishing information in the metadata in the institutional or other repository and use that as a recommended way of citation.