Theoretical Research 2024.Vol53 No.

Citation:DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210128

Risk Assessment of Public Building Construction Safety Basedon SEM and Cloud Model

ZHANG Donghui1, LU Zhanbin1, CAO Jiawei2, REN Jie2

About the author:

1. China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. South China Branch, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400, China;2. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710048, China


In order to accurately assess the risk level during the construction process of large publicbuildings, a construction risk assessment method based on structural equation model ( SEM) and cloudmodels is proposed. Through literature research, relevant literatures with keywords such as publicbuildings, safety risks and risk assessments are collected and retrieved. The safety risk indicators areinitially screened based on personnel, machinery, materials, management and environmental factors, andan indicator system is established through grey relational degree analysis. The weight of each index isdetermined by analyzing the relationship between the indexes. The construction safety risk assessmentcloud and the comprehensive cloud are calculated, and the construction safety risk level is determined bycalculating the cloud similarity. The research results show that the compliance of mechanical equipment,regular maintenance and material quality have a significant impact on the safety risks of public buildingconstruction. The evaluation results based on SEM and cloud model are consistent with the actualsituation, proving the practicality and accuracy of the evaluation method.