理論研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210119




李忠誠,高級工程師,E?mail:zsjdhd445@ 126. com


中鐵十九局集團華東工程有限公司,浙江余姚 315400




為研究玄武巖纖維對橋梁混凝土力學性能、耐久性能的影響規律,提高橋梁混凝土綜合性能,對橋梁混凝土抗壓強度、劈裂抗拉強度、抗凍性能與抗氯離子滲透性能進行了試驗研究。研究結果表明,在養護齡期為 7,28d的條件下,當混凝土中玄武巖纖維摻量增加時,橋梁混凝土抗壓強度均先增大后減小,28d 劈裂抗拉強度先增大后減小,質量損失率大致先減小后增大,相對動彈性模量大致先增大后減小,電通量先減小后增大。當混凝土中玄武巖纖維摻量為 0. 3%時,有助于提高橋梁混凝土抗壓強度、劈裂抗拉強度、相對動彈性模量,降低質量損失率和電通量,相比素混凝土,玄武巖纖維橋梁混凝土力學性能、耐久性能更優異。


In order to study the influence of basalt fibers on mechanics and durability of bridge concrete,and improve the comprehensive performance of bridge concrete, compressive strength tests, splittingtensile strength tests, frost resistance tests and chloride ion penetration resistance tests were conducted onbridge concrete. The research results show that with the increase of basalt fiber content, the compressivestrength of bridge concrete at 7,28d first increases and then decreases, the splitting tensile strength at28d first increases and then decreases, the mass loss rate roughly decreases and then increases, therelative dynamic elastic modulus roughly increases and then decreases, and the electric flux firstdecreases and then increases. The optimal dosage of basalt fiber is 0. 3%. Adding basalt fiber can helpimprove the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, relative dynamic elastic modulus, reducemass loss rate and electric flux of bridge concrete. Compared with plain concrete, basalt fiber bridgeconcrete has better mechanical properties and durability.