理論研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期
DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210090
宋鵬飛,高級工程師,E?mail:1161407609@ qq. com作者單位:
1.中建隧道建設有限公司,重慶 401320; 2.重慶大學土木工程學院,重慶 400045;3.重慶市江南城市建設發展(集團)有限公司,重慶 400000基金項目:
為研究巖石質量指標(RQD)變化對隧道穩定性的影響,依托江南隧道工程,采用數值模擬計算方法,分析了隧道發生巖爆時不同 RQD 值和節理傾角下圍巖環向應力、動能及最大速度變化規律。研究結果表明,不同 RQD值和節理傾角下,初始地應力為 75MPa 時的圍巖環向應力峰值、最大動能均較初始地應力為 55MPa 時大;圍巖破壞程度隨著節理傾角的增大而增大;圍巖動能基本隨著 RQD 值的增大逐漸減小,隨著地應力的增大逐漸增大;當初始地應力為 55,75MPa 時,圍巖最大速度在 RQD 值為 62,72,82 時存在極值,在 RQD 值為 92 時存在最小值。English:
In order to study the influence of rock quality designation (RQD) on tunnel stability, basedon the Jiangnan Tunnel project, numerical simulation calculation methods were used to analyze thecircumferential stress, kinetic energy and maximum velocity of surrounding rock under different RQDvalues and joint dip angles during rock burst in the tunnel. The research results show that under differentRQD values and joint dip angles, the peak circumferential stress and maximum kinetic energy ofsurrounding rock at an initial geostress of 75MPa are higher than those at an initial geostress of 55MPa.The degree of surrounding rock damage increases with the increase of joint dip angles. The kinetic energyof surrounding rock gradually decreases with the increase of RQD values and increases with the increaseof geostress. When the initial geostress is 55,75MPa, the maximum velocity of the surrounding rock hasextreme values at RQD values of 62,72,82, and a minimum value at RQD value of 92.