應用研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期
DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210001
高潤東,正高級工程師,E?mail:grdong_1@ 163. com.作者單位:
上海市建筑科學研究院有限公司上海市工程結構安全重點實驗室,上海 200032基金項目:
Aiming at the leakage problem of the precast concrete residential building exterior wall, thesite inspection technology of both leakage detector and microwave hygrometer was explored. The researchresults show that the leakage detector can be used for the leakage qualitative inspection of both the precastshear wall with sandwich insulation and ordinary precast shear wall vertical joints, and the microwavehygrometer can be used for the leakage qualitative inspection of both the precast shear wall with sandwichinsulation and ordinary precast shear wall bottom joints. The inspection results can reflect the flowdirection and approximate accumulation range of seepage water,which is conducive to taking effectiveplugging measures.